Ensure that our district has reliable conservative representation in the future.

Border security plays a critical role in safeguarding our nation against various threats that include terrorism, human trafficking, dangerous drugs fentanyl, violent crime, and more. That is why I continue to advocate for a real border wall, an increased number of personnel at the border, and whatever support we can give to the US Border Patrol. No on amnesty or taxpayer-funded benefits for those here illegally, and real and prompt enforcement of our laws.

We have one of America’s strongest state economies because we built a strong foundation that welcomes and encourages businesses to come here and grow here. We have world class climate, a strong education system, solid and growing infrastructure, and a tax and regulatory environment that is among the best in the country. Liberals want to turn us into California, but I’ll defend the Arizona that is already working, and do what I can to make it even better.

The media wants to ignore the issue or pretend it isn’t real, but regardless of your opinions as to the severity of the problems in our election system, it is not disputed that a lot of our fellow Arizonans no longer trust our election process. That’s why I vote for efforts to increase transparency, accountability, auditability, and consequences for those who violate our trust and break the law. Everyone deserves to know that their ballot was counted accurately and efficiently, and I won’t stop working on this issue until we achieve our goals. 

Arizona Democrats have publicly stated that they want to end school choice in Arizona, shut down our charter schools, and terminate our school choice programs that have given hope and produced great results for tens of thousands of Arizona kids, including special needs kids who are finally getting the custom crafted care and education they need. We have increased K-12 funding (while Democrats voted NO), increased teacher pay (while Democrats voted NO), and we will continue to provide choice and excellence to our parents and kids, even if we have to do it over Democrat objections.

I have a 100% Pro-2 nd Amendment voting record and will continue to ensure that our right to keep and bear arms is never infringed. Ever!

I supported the bill to enact Term Limits on members of Congress because I believe in citizen legislators who serve for a time, then return home where you belong. For too many Congress has become a career and they no longer serve We The People. I’ll keep working to reform Congress and return it to us!

I have always stood with our Police and Fire and will continue to defend them against the lunatic left and their radical efforts to defund public safety.

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